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General Guidelines for Financial management

These guidelines describe the general requirements for financial management of programmes and projects with development assistance from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Financial Management Guidelines

(English version)

Date published: October 2019

View publication: pdf

Directives de Gestion Financière

(Version française)

Date publiée: février 2022

Cliquez ici: pdf



Annex 1.A - Guide to financial management capacity assessment  VERSION FRANÇAISE

Annex 1.B - Risk and materiality assessments VERSION FRANÇAISE

Annex 2.A - Guiding note to output-based budget VERSION FRANÇAISE

Annex 2.B - Budget templates VERSION FRANÇAISE

Annex 3 - Disbursement request form VERSION FRANÇAISE

Annex 4 - Integration of the budget into the chart of accounts VERSION FRANÇAISE

Annex 5.A - Supporting note for auditing VERSION FRANÇAISE

Annex 5.B - Template for Terms of Reference audit VERSION FRANÇAISE

Annex 6 - Handover note for transfer of assets VERSION FRANÇAISE

Annex 7 - Administrative costs VERSION FRANÇAISE

Annex 8 - Quick guide to financial management VERSION FRANÇAISE


General Guidelines for Accounting and Auditing of Grants channelled through Multilateral Organisations

(English version)
Date Published: August 2012
View publication: pdf 



For further information and enquiries, please contact Department for Financial management, oversight and support in relation to grants (TILSKUD) [email protected]