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Multilateral cooperation

Cooperation with multilateral organisations forms an important part of Denmark’s international development cooperation. Such organisations are important instruments for promoting Danish development policy objectives.

Often multilateral organisations are well placed to promote Danish development cooperation priorities, including in countries where Denmark does not have a presence. Denmark will cooperate with multilateral organisations where the impact of working through the multilateral system is most significant.

This is the added value that motivates Denmark’s multilateral engagement. The Danish approach is one of ’active multilateralism‘, through which we continuously assess where Danish development policy objectives and priorities are best promoted through multilateral cooperation.

Danish multilateral cooperation is based on Organisation Strategies and assessments of our multilateral partnerships, including each organisation’s ability to deliver results. Organisation Strategies are primarily prepared for multilateral organisations with which Denmark has a substantial engagement.
Assessments of the performance of primarily multilateral organisations are prepared by the Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN). MOPAN is a network of 22 donor countries through which Denmark takes part in joint assessments in order to achieve an effective approach to cooperation with multilateral and international organisations.
Organisation strategies and MOPAN’s assessments are used in Denmark’s political dialogue with the organisations and as a basis for determining the modalities and nature of Denmark’s financial contributions to the organisations. Denmark pursues a policy of primarily core funding of the organisations, but maintain the use of earmarked contributions to strategic and special interventions, for example in fragile states.


For further information and enquiries, please contact Department for Evaluation, Learning and Quality (LEARNING) [email protected]


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2 Asiatisk Plads
DK-1448 Copenhagen K
Tel. +45 33 92 00 00
[email protected]