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Tool box for development effectiveness

The aid/development effectiveness agenda has had a high priority among donors and recipient countries over the last years. Since Mexico in 2002, the aid effectiveness agenda has been pursued at the global level through a series of high-level forums that provided the setting for the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, the Accra Agenda for Action and the Busan conference in 2011. In Busan, the Working party on Aid Effectiveness of the OECD/DAC was replaced with the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation. Below are a series of links to inspiration and tools on aid effectiveness.

Global Partnership for effective development cooperation: The Global Partnership is a multi-stakeholder forum that brings together governments, private companies, civil society, and others to ensure that development finance and knowledge sharing leads to maximum impact for development. The Global Partnership helps to ensure progress on the global development agenda, building on the Millennium Development Goals and their successors. It is a forum for advice, shared accountability and shared learning and experiences to support the implementation of principles that form the foundation of effective development co-operation: ownership by developing countries; a focus on results; inclusive development partnerships; and, transparency and accountability to one another. The principles were endorsed at the Busan High Level Forum.

Busan partnership for effective development cooperation: In Busan, Korea, on the occasion of the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF-4, 29 November-1 December 2011), over 3000 delegates met to review progress on implementing the principles of the Paris Declaration. They also discussed how to maintain the relevance of the aid effectiveness agenda in the context of the evolving development landscape. The forum culminated in the signing of the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation by ministers of developed and developing nations, emerging economies, providers of South-South and triangular co-operation and civil society - marking a critical turning point in development co-operation. 160 governments and 45 organisations have endorsed the Busan agreement.

The Accra Agenda for Action (AAA): The Accra High Level Forum (HLF-3) in September 2008 endorsed the Accra Agenda for Action (AAA) to accelerate and deepen implementation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. In doing so, it has defined the policy environment for aid effectiveness for the next two years. The AAA sets out three broad challenges: strengthening country ownership; building more effective partnerships; and delivering and accounting for development results.

The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: An international declaration to improve development effectiveness and to be held accountable by a series of indicators and targets as a way of combating poverty in developing countries. The declaration is organized around 5 core principles; ownership, alignment, harmonization, management for results and mutual accountability. The Declaration was endorsed on 2 March 2005 at the Second High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Paris (HLF-2). Progress in implementing the Paris Declaration and the Accra Agenda for Action can be found here.

Marrakech Principles: Managing for Development Results: The second International Roundtable on Management for Development Results took place in Marrakech on 4-5 February 2004. The Roundtable brought together representatives from developing countries and development agencies to discuss the challenges of managing for development results at the country level and the ways in which countries and development agencies are addressing these issues on the ground.

Rome Declaration on Harmonization: An international agreement to improve donor harmonisation. Endorsed on 25 February 2003 in Rome, Italy, at the first High Level Forum (HLF-1) on Aid Effectiveness.

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): The aid effectiveness agenda seeks to improve the effectiveness of development assistance and thereby contribute to meeting the MDGs. In 2000, the UN recognised a number of the current global challenges with the acceptance of the Millennium Development Goals (The MDGs). The MDGs are organised around eight core areas ranging from poverty to health, gender, environment and development.

Development Assistance Committee of the OECD: The Development Assistance Committee of the OECD, together with UNDP, plays a key role as a secretariat for the Global Partnership on Development. A considerable volume of documentation and analytical work on aid effectiveness can be found at the website of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC).


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