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How to notes for implementation of the Danish Strategy for Development Cooperation

A number of notes for how to implement Denmark’s strategy for development cooperation “The World We Share” have been produced with the purpose:

  • To create consistency between strategy, policy, planning and budgeting as a shared framework of reference for the implementation of “The World We Share” and its objectives.
  • To set the framework for prioritising, selecting and deselecting in adherence to the principles of Doing Development Differently, which call for taking a holistic and adaptive approach.

The main target group for the note is employees at the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs responsible for implementing “The World We Share”. Furthermore, they may serve to inform external partners.  The notes are intended as reference documents in programming, in monitoring. in dialogue with partners and in our work with international norms and standards.

In principle, the note will remain valid for the duration of “The World We Share”, and will be revised as required in response to changing contexts and priorities. The political priorities in the Finance Act will always have primacy to the notes.

1. Approach note - Fighting Poverty and Inequality

Tilgangsnote for Fælles om Verden - Bekæmpelse af Fattigdom og Ulighed

2. How to - Energy transition and Emission Reductions in Development Countries

Udmøntningsnote for Fælles om Verden - Energiomstilling og emissionsreduktioner i udviklingslandene

3. How to - Climate adaptation, Nature and Environment

Udmøntningsnote for Fælles om Verden - Klimatilpasning, Natur og Miljø

4. How to - Migration and a fair and humane asylum system

Udmøntningsnote for Fælles om Verden - Migration og retfærdigt og humant asylsystem (ROHA)

5. How to - Peacebuilding and Stabilisation

Udmøntningsnote for Fælles om Verden - Fredsopbygning og Stabilisering

6. How to - Job creation and Sustainable Growth

Udmøntningsnote for Fælles om Verden - Jobskabelse og Bæredygtig Vækst

7. How to - Human Rights and Democracy

Udmøntningsnote for Fælles om Verden - Menneskerettigheder og Demokrati

8. How to - Danish Support for Civil Society

Udmøntningsnote for Fælles om Verden - Dansk Støtte til Civilsamfundet

9. How to - Denmark as ... (this note will follow soon)

Udmøntningsnote for Fælles om Verden - Danmark som Humanitær Aktør

10. How to - Social Sectors and social safety nets

Udmøntningsnote for Fælles om Verden - Sociale sektorer og sociale sikkerhedsnet

11. Approach - Securing the coherence between humanitarian aid, development cooperation and peacebuilding (HDP-nexus)

Tilgangsnote for Fælles om Verden (HDP-nexus)

12. How to - Green transformation of agri-food systems - agri- and food production, business and food security


For further information and enquiries, please contact Department for Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK) [email protected]