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MinIstry of foreign affAIrs of denmark Danida - aid management guidelines

Welcome to the Aid Management Guidelines-site which contains Danida's policies, guidelines, and tools.

Under Policies and Strategies, you will find the legal, policy and strategic documents that underpin Danish development assistance, such as the development cooperation policy, Government priorities, the Finance Act, as well as country and thematic strategies.

Danish development assistance is provided through four main channels, each guided by separate sets of guidelines, which you can access under: Multilateral Cooperation, regarding Denmark’s partnerships with multilateral organisations based on core contributions and Organisation Strategies; Tools, where you find technical guidance on a range of topics relevant across all main channels of development assistance, and intended to support the planning, design, and implementation to be effective and sustainable; Bilateral Cooperation where you find the partnerships based on specific projects, programmes, or thematic fund mechanisms; and Civil Society covering the strategic partnerships, pooled/delegated funding, and grants to civil society.

Library contains outdated guidelines, not valid for new engagements, but relevant to some on-going engagements that were designed under previous guidelines.